Material Handling Solutions
Furnace loading and unloading is much more efficient when done with the right equipment. Surface Combustion offer a full line of material handling solutions to make each and every load transfer count. Auxiliary equipment provides for ease of load preparation, moving loads between equipment, loading/unloading equipment, and storage area for loads either prior to or after processing. Many functions can be automated to reduce load handling
When you purchase directly from Surface, peace of mind and confidence is included free of charge. Our loading and storage equipment is designed to complement the rugged reliability you’ve come to know and trust. Third party equipment such as vacuum furnace loaders and baskets/trays/fixtures have been tested and retested for compatibility with the rest of your OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) purchases.
Material handling solutions from Surface include charge cars, scissor lifts, storage tables, charge tables, gantry loaders, vacuum furnace loaders, baskets, trays, and fixtures. Contact us today, and one of our sales engineers will help you determine the right solutions for your heat treat line.
Surface® is Your Source
CONTACT US TODAY, and let us show you the Value of Surface™
Ready to Get Started?
Please call us when you are ready to discuss a new furnace or maintain, upgrade or replace your furnace or any part of your furnace. At Surface, we look forward to helping you with any thermal processing needs.
Call Surface with the following information ready to initiate your furnace solution.
- cycle
- operation
- hours per year
- available space
- operating temperature range
- heat source
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