Chemical Weapons Demilitarization (CWD)
Surface Combustion designs and manufactures custom furnace solutions for the destruction and elimination of chemical weapons, munitions, and ordnances.
Surface offers a range of furnace solutions and technology, plus engineering expertise, to address the technical challenges for the safe destruction of declared chemical weapons stockpiles. Our furnace products are at work around the world at disposal plants established for the incineration of demilitarization of weapons. Surface’s range of furnaces and equipment are capable of destroying large weapons stockpiles and can be automated to maximize efficiency.
Solutions Overview
When it comes to chemical weapons demilitarization (CWD), three approaches to destruction commonly utilized include pyrolysis (incineration), hydrolysis, and bang boxes.
SurfaceⓇ furnace systems have the capabilities to play an essential role in incinerating chemicals and sterilizing metal parts. In this destruction approach, an armored furnace section allows for the incineration of explosives. Other materials, such as packing items, are also incinerated in the process. Emissions are filtered to prevent the release of toxic gases.
The hydrolysis approach to weapons destruction works to drain and break down chemicals which results in less toxic chemicals that can then be incinerated. Materials are treated at an industrial waste facility and metals are decontaminated and suitable for recycling.
Bang Box
A smaller system for weapon destruction is known as a bang box incinerator. This approach is used for the destruction of shells, rockets, or drums and to neutralize chemicals in a fully-sealed container. In this system, weapons are detonated with explosives in a steel tank, which may also incinerate chemical agents. Any byproducts are sent to treatment plants or toxic waste landfills, and gases are filtered or burned to prevent the release of toxic gases.
In the global effort to eliminate chemical weapons and munitions, Surface Combustion’s furnaces and technology help provide solutions for safe disposal. We are proud to be an American-owned and operated company that upholds the highest standards of quality, manufacturing and customer service. Our furnace systems for weapons demilitarization applications are made in the USA.
Related Products:
Deactivation Furnace (DEAC)
Dunnage Furnace and Incinerator
Electric Munitions Disposal System (EMDS)
Flash Furnace
Metal Parts Furnace (MPF)
Pyrobatch® Incineration System