For over 100 years, Surface® Combustion has provided thermal processing equipment for the forging process. Initial forged products included items like horseshoes. Today, we build the most rugged, reliable equipment for the pre-heating of billets at the beginning of the process. As parts are formed, atmosphere and vacuum hardening and nitriding of forging dies and heat treating of the forgings themselves are required. Forgings can be the rough form of crankshafts, hand tools, railroad car frames, agricultural components, aerospace components, oil industry components, etc. all of which require substance and toughness. After forge, machining and final heat treat treating is a requirement. Surface also serves the various industries who benefit from forged components and has practical knowledge of the heat treat specifications that must be met. Surface equipment for forging matches the durable, dependable strength of your presses and hammers, and our aftermarket services ensure maximum uptime for your operation.
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Rotary Hearth Furnace
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