Batchmaster™ Box Furnace
The Batchmaster™ Single-Chamber Large Oven Box Furnace is a flexible, economical, pre-engineered design that is easy to operate and maintain. The Batchmaster can be configured to meet numerous processes, product and material requirements and is available in many standard sizes and hearth loadings. Installation and start-up time are minimal as this batch furnace comes with a pre-mounted, pre-wired control cabinet and a maximum of three utility connections.
Surface has a long history of producing large oven furnaces dating back to our company’s founding in 1915 with over 700 installed worldwide. Surface large oven furnaces are used in every industry that uses heat treating for a wide range of components from small hand tool parts to large forgings, billets and castings.
The Batchmaster box furnace uses the latest technology in heating, energy efficiency and controls combined with Surface’s reputation for rugged furnace construction. The furnace casing is manufactured with heavy steel plate supported by structural steel shapes. The insulation package is balanced to be energy efficient, allow rapid temperature changes and ease of maintenance. The Batchmaster door is vertically lifted to allow front loading and uses Surface’s proprietary energy-saving tight-fitting door design. The furnace may be loaded with simply a fork truck or an advanced automated charging system. Multiple furnace hearth designs are available to support light or heavy workloads and enable automation.
With the Batchmaster, you may choose either recuperated direct-fired burners or electric elements for your heating system. Our direct-fired option uses rear-wall mounted medium velocity tempered air burners and our proprietary flue pipe design to enable a wide range of operating temperatures and excellent temperature uniformity. The oxygen content of the atmosphere can be controlled with our proprietary POCRecircTM system ( Products of Combustion Recirculation. Electrically heated Batchmasters have refractory mounted specialty alloy heating elements positioned based on the furnace size, required heating rate, and required temperature uniformity. For additional improvements in heating rate and temperature uniformity, proprietary roof mounted Surface VFTM fan units may be installed.
A Batchmaster box furnace can be designed to stand alone or be part of a new or existing furnace line. Surface provides a wide range of companion equipment, advanced controls and support services for single source responsibility. This allows you piece of mind that your installation will run smoothly, and your equipment will be taken care of for the long term.
The Batchmaster is meant for processing product in an atmosphere containing products of combustion (direct-fired) or air (electric). If you require a different atmosphere, and you would like a standard-rated, single-chamber design, Surface suggests our RTBTM (Radiant Tube Box) single-chamber atmosphere box furnaces. Surface has also designed special removable retorts to operate within the Batchmaster furnace.
Standard sizes
Standard internal widths between 24″ and 72″
Standard loading heights between 24″ and 72″
Standard loading weight up to 20,000 pounds
Custom size and weights available upon request
Ceramic fiber insulating systems
Maximum operating temperatures 2400°F
Electric, direct gas fired (recuperative and regenerative), and radiant tube systems available
Refractory or alloy hearth systems
Hydraulic cover lift and rotate systems available
External cooling systems available to reduce cycle time
Companion atmosphere generators, quench tanks and furnace loaders available
Controls meeting the requirements of AMS-2750 can be supplied as requested
Stress Relieving
Partial processes list shown. Looking for something specfic, contact us.
Aluminum & Non-ferrous
Aluminum Processing
Energy Efficiency Considerations
Oil & Gas
Tube & Pipe
Partial industries list shown. Looking for something specfic, contact us.
Aerospace Components
Cast Iron
Hand Tools
Rod & Bar
Rod Coil
Stainless Steels
Partial material and component list shown. Looking for something specfic, contact us.
Companion Quench Tanks
Loading Cars
Partial companion equipment list shown. Looking for something specfic, contact us.
Surface® is Your Source
CONTACT US TODAY, and let us show you the Value of Surface™
Ready to Get Started?
Please call us when you are ready to discuss a new furnace or maintain, upgrade or replace your furnace or any part of your furnace. At Surface, we look forward to helping you with any thermal processing needs.
Call Surface with the following information ready to initiate your furnace solution.
- cycle
- operation
- hours per year
- available space
- operating temperature range
- heat source
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