Allcase® Batch Integral Quench Furnace

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Allcase® Batch Integral Quench Furnace - Product Description

Surface® Combustion pioneered the development of the batch integral quench (BIQ) furnace design to serve a growing post World War II industrial boom which required many types of heat treating processes to be performed. The BIQ served this purpose as it easily performs through hardening, carburizing, carbonitriding, annealing and ferritic nitrocarburizing all in the same versatile furnace design. After thermal processing, the load is automatically transferred for oil, polymer or brine quenching or for slow cooling. Any of the forms of cooling are performed under an RX® (Endothermic Gas Generators), DX® (Exothermic Gas Generators), or Nitrogen protective atmosphere to protect the work surface against oxidation and also to improve the work piece appearance. This was a dramatic improvement at that time of introduction over transferring out into air before entering a quench medium. This revolutionized the heat treating industry and together with the stated atmospheres enabled the future of boost/diffuse carburizing, carbon control and all the instrumentation and sensors that grew out of this invention.

Surface named this miracle furnace the Allcase.

Today’s Allcase batch furnace looks similar but actually is much different than that of its grandfather from the 1950s. It is more automated and the physical load sizes and weights are much larger. The most common size today is the 36-48-36 which is more than four times larger in volume than 65 years ago. In addition, improvements in insulation, gas and electric heating technologies, energy efficiency, recuperation, sensors and atmosphere control, quench tank volumes, agitation and oil heating and cooling technologies all make the Allcase a revolutionary piece of equipment even today. Surface still likes brick refractories which adds to process stability, especially in the carburizing process. Heating can be vertically or horizontally gas fired radiant tubes or various electric heating designs. Our patented Proelectric® design offers great uniformity and great life in challenging carbon bearing atmospheres.

Commercial heat treaters love the versatility as they never know what their next work coming in the door may be. Allcase equipment is intended to be grouped together with other Allcases and the required batch auxiliary equipment to become a heat treating cell of sorts.

Automation of the Allcase line motions and actions, even to the extent of bar code readers to send any given workload through a determined path of heat treating equipment and with all of the required data collection, is commonplace.

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Allcase Batch Integral Quench Furnace brochure

Learn more about the full capabilities of our Allcase® Batch Integral Quench Furnace

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Standard Sizes

Width 24″ 30″ 36″ 36″ 36″ 42″
Length 36″ 48″ 48″ 72″ 72″ 72″
Height 24″ 30″ 36″ 36″ 42″ 42″

Maximum operating temperatures up to 1950°F

Multiple gas fired heating systems available including vertical and horizontal radiant tube configurations.

Electric heating systems available including Proletric® style and canned element style

Roller rail or skid hearth systems

Oil, water, polymer, and brine quench systems available

Atmosphere Cool Chambers (Top Cool) available

Numerous automation and networking controls available

Allcase®  family also includes RTB (Radiant Tube Box) and ACT (Radiant Tube Box Furnace with Atmosphere Top Cool)

Proprietary VF™ fan extends fan life by minimizing vibration and gives uniform atmosphere distribution

Aerospace Components


Cast and Ductile Iron









Gun Barrels

Hand Tools


Powdered Metal

Rock Bits



Stainless Steels


Tool Steels


Partial material and component list shown. Looking for something specfic, contact us.

Charge Car

Material Handling Solutions


Atmosphere Generator

Air Cool Station

Atmosphere Cooling Systems

Control Systems for Industrial Heat Treat Furnaces

Uni-DRAW® Batch Tempering Furnaces


Allcase® Companion Equipment

Washers and Dunk Tanks

Loading Cars

Gas Generators

Load/Unload Tables

Partial companion equipment list shown. Looking for something specfic, contact us.

Ready to Get Started?

Please call us when you are ready to discuss a new furnace or maintain, upgrade or replace your furnace or any part of your furnace. At Surface, we look forward to helping you with any thermal processing needs.

Call Surface with the following information ready to initiate your furnace solution.

  • furnace cyclecycle
  • furnace operationoperation
  • hours per yearhours per year
  • available spaceavailable space
  • operating temperature rangeoperating temperature range
  • heat sourceheat source

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(800) 537-8980