Cambridge Heat Treating Expands Adding Four Surface® Combustion Allcase® Furnaces

Allcase vertical radiant tube furnace

Maumee, Ohio:  Surface Combustion supplied two (2) new Allcase® Batch Integral Quench Furnaces to Cambridge Heat Treating of Cambridge, Ontario. Cambridge also purchased two (2) used Allcase furnaces in Ontario.  All four (4) Allcase furnaces are installed in the same line, along with a previously purchased 30”x30”x48” Allcase with top cool which are all serviced by Surface’s charge car, Uni-DRAW® Batch Tempering Furnaces, washers, and RX® Endothermic Atmosphere Gas Generator.

Surface commissioned the new furnaces and continues to support the used equipment at its new home. The Allcase’s rugged design, ease of installation, and Surface’s aftermarket parts and service made this project a success. The 36”x48”x36” batch heat treat line greatly expands Cambridge’s capacity for carbonitriding, carburizing, neutral hardening, and added ferritic nitrocarburizing (FNC) and normalizing capacity with the atmosphere top cool chambers on the two (2) new Allcase furnaces.

Says owner Peter Robbins, “We could not be happier with our Surface purchases. Their robust equipment is built for longevity, and we appreciate that they are easy to operate and maintain. Surface’s Aftermarket parts department ensures that we always have the necessary parts for maintenance in a timely manner, and their customer service department is always available for a telephone or service call.”

About Cambridge Heat Treating:  Founded in 1982, Cambridge Heat Treating is a family-owned commercial heat treater committed to serving their customers with leading-edge technology and quality service. They offer both atmosphere and vacuum heat treating including gas and ion nitriding. Post-treatment, value-added services such as cleaning, prime painting, and finishing are also available, making Cambridge a one-stop heat treating partner. For more information on Cambridge Heat Treating and their services, contact Peter Robbins at or 519.653.7002 or visit their website at

 About Surface Combustion:  Surface Combustion, Inc. is a highly respected producer of thermal processing equipment, headquartered in Maumee, Ohio. Since its founding in 1915, Surface has continued to develop innovative heat treating solutions for a wide variety of industries. Surface holds over 75 trademarks, 675 patents and has installed 250,000+thermal systems over its history of operation.

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Please call us when you are ready to discuss a new furnace or maintain, upgrade or replace your furnace or any part of your furnace. At Surface, we look forward to helping you with any thermal processing needs.

Call Surface with the following information ready to initiate your furnace solution.

  • furnace cyclecycle
  • furnace operationoperation
  • hours per yearhours per year
  • available spaceavailable space
  • operating temperature rangeoperating temperature range
  • heat sourceheat source

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